Get Variety in Your Workout With the Best Gyms Near Belmont Towns

When it comes to exercise, variety is the spice of life. Not only will you avoid boredom, but you will ensure you’re challenging your body in different ways when you pursue different types of workouts. Studies show that your body can “plateau” when it gets accustomed to doing a certain type of workout. Luckily, there are a variety of gyms near Belmont Towns that offer tons of different ways to burn calories and have fun!

Body Blast

If you’re looking for an intense workout tailored to your needs, Body Blast is for you. Whether you prefer the total concentration of a one-on-one session with a personal trainer or you need the community of small group training, the focus these trainers give to your personal fitness goals is what makes this gym stand out. Once you discuss your objectives with your trainer, a program will be built that ensures your entire body is targeted. Whether you’re after building muscle or losing weight, the program will include variety while ensuring your goals are met. A bonus is personal trainers are proven to make you more accountable to stick to an exercise regime. When it comes to gyms near Belmont Towns, don’t miss Body Blast!

Bodies 2 Envy

Group classes offer a wonderful sense of community and often keep you accountable to keep showing up week after week. Many exercisers find they’re much more motivated to push their limits with an instructor watching, and the variety of classes out there means you’re continually challenging your body. Bodies 2 Envy offers tons of heart pumping classes near Belmont Towns, from Zumba to kickboxing. On the other hand, if you prefer doing your own thing on treadmills or with free weights, Planet Fitness is another low cost option. Whether you prefer exercising solo or within groups, there are plenty of options for gyms near Belmont Towns!

Mr Fitness


If burning calories while learning an ancient craft appeals to you, check out Mr Fitness, a gym that specializes in martial arts. Martial arts not only teach you to train your brain and gain focus, they also increase flexibility and strength, amongst a host of other health benefits. If you find you’re getting bored by the same old workouts, checking out a martial arts class at Mr Fitness might be what gets you out of your rut!

There’s so many ways to keep fit without getting bored when it comes to gyms near Belmont Towns. Whether you love dancing your heart out with Zumba or slowing it down with Tai Chi, we’re sure there’s a great fitness option near you! Have a good workout, and make sure to follow along with the Caliber Blog for more great lifestyle tips.